What Can We Do?

The US total for Covid -19 related deaths has now surpassed 100,000 people. 100,000 people. Mind bending. While I haven’t lost anyone to this disease, I did lose one of my family members to similar circumstances last summer, and it devastated me and our family. The hole is still there. It is a huge hole. My heart breaks knowing that 100,000 families in the US, and around 350,000 people world wide, have died in the last few months due to Covid. This is in addition to all of the other reasons people have died. That is an incredible number of grieving families and communities. It is a staggering loss. What do we do about this? What can we do about this? Do we follow the lead of our news media and many others, pointing fingers—adding to the brokenness and divisions in our country? Do we make choices that highlight differences, anger, bitterness and selfishness? Or do we choose a different path? I can’t find a cure for this disease, or cancer or old age, but there are things I can do. I can intentionally remember and pray for those who have lost loved ones, remembering and channeling my own grief to help me not gloss over their pain. I can make donations to organizations that are meeting the needs of those who are struggling to feed their families and pay bills. Extra financial resources right now are a privilege. I can be thoughtful, taking a few minutes each day to consider others and how I might encourage and support them. Texts, emails, and phone calls are free. I can be a positive presence in my interactions with people—passing the peace of Christ with words and actions all through the week. I can be kind to people and recognize their anger and hostility, especially on social media, is probably because they are afraid of being out of control or afraid of being wrong. Instead of throwing my hands up in the air and giving up, or pointing out what others should do, I am going to focus on what I can do. Will you join me? What can you do? Rev. Shannon Jordan To receive notifications when there is a new post click on the menu (three horizontal lines) at the top right, scroll down and enter your email where it says “Follow Blog Via Email”. To see the previous blog, click on the arrow under the menu, or if you want to see more blogs, click on the grid under the arrow. On the main page, if you hover over a photo, you will be given an option to read the blog. On that page the arrow will take you to another page of blog photos. Enjoy! You can find her on Facebook at @ShannonJordan1 or Instagram at @cameraprayers.

4 thoughts on “What Can We Do?

  1. What a wonderful alternative way of thinking. Instead of frustration and helplessness we can turn to love and commitment to each other. It isn’t easy these times but we have to believe the light comes out of the darkness. Bless you Shannon.


  2. Shannon, I share your concerns and prayers. I think keeping up with friends and family near and far is important right now. Also, contemplative prayer helps me stay focused and aware of my responses to the divisiveness as well as the beautiful loving unity of good=hearted people.


  3. I echo Judy on contemplative prayer. Trying to stay rooted right now in the love and mercy of God so that I can then share it is so important. Thanks for your words.


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